I appreciate genuinely that you are here and interested to discover more about Boorama and who is behind the name. Obviously you want confidence in my credentials and acumen; I hope you are looking for more.
You and your business, whether a corporation of 100 or 1, may be facing one brick wall too many or worse: a precipice. I hope not but know from experience that most owners of micro small or medium sized businesses (MS&MSBs) seek advice when
If you self-generate your living, you are in business. If you are a sole practitioner, particularly if you are an artist, performer, musician or writer you too are in business.
Whatever your reason for being here, I hope to give you confidence and to inspire and motivate you, because I've heard too many business owners say “if only we’d done something sooner”.
Thank you for being here. I invite you to explore my perspectives and to talk with me about how I/Boorama may help you take your business and you and your team to a longer healthier return on your life's work.